Dental & Orthodontic Care Centre

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 9:30am to 7:30pm
  Contact : 0 95469 03327

Orthodontists and Smiles

Who should be treating you with braces? Although dentistry has seen tremendous developments in treatment techniques and materials in the last few decades, public awareness exercises have somehow not been able to keep pace with its rise. As a result most people today will be surprised if they are told that dentistry has nine different specialities.

Orthodontics happens to be first speciality in dentistry. It deals with prevention, interception & correction of malocclusion (improper bite). A malocclusion can result either due to abnormal position of the teeth or lack of harmony between upper & lower jaws. The best person to treat problems of such nature is an Orthodontist.  An orthodontist undergoes three years of rigorous training during his postgraduate program wherein he treats hundreds of patients having malocclusion of varying severity. After successful completion of the course he is awarded with the degree of  MDS Orthodontics.

However as a consequence of lack of awareness  a lot of patients still do not seek the advice of an orthodontist for their problem. As a result such patient do not get the desired treatment outcome which predisposes their dentition for relapse. In addition such patients may also experience harmful effects on their occlusion (chewing efficiency)  and may develop TMJ (temporomandibular joint) related disorders in the long run.

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Brushing & Braces

Brushing while undergoing treatment with braces needs to be learnt and practiced. Ideally it should be done standing in front of the mirror. This video illustrates the brushing techniques which are effective in maintaining good oral hygiene during treatment.

Well aligned and healthy teeth along with healthy gums and lips make a smile attractive. Poor oral hygiene can not only slow down the treatment response but can also adversely affect the treatment outcome. Therefore maintenance of good oral hygiene is of paramount importance.


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